What AP Stats Taught me about the Letter Mu My educational year has come to a close and with that some reflecting is due. I learned a lot this year but there is one interesting aspect that's worth a blog post. Since the summer of 2020, I have been a student of Attic Greek, in fact I'm taking a break from my studies right now to write this blog post. One thing that has always caught some aspect of my attention was how mu (μ) bore little resemblance to it's hieroglyphic wave-derived counterpart (Μ). More than anything, it looks like a letter 'u' with some extra frills, and this sentiment is reflected by it's common aesthetic transliteration into Latin as 'u', which annoys me. With that being said, of course I knew that, much like it's other miniscule counterparts, it derived from the capital in some way, it just was never clear to me. This all changed when I noticed that when my AP Stats teacher wrote mu, the population mean, the frills were elongated, making the 'Μ' shape more apparent. This is all fairly uninteresting yet, I find it to be worth writing about, for whatever reason.